The fact that you are in prison doesn’t mean you lose your human rights. They still have to be observed, even though you are deprived of your liberty. This guide explains your basic human rights in prison, and how they should be guaranteed.
Reasons for imprisonment
You may be placed in prison if:
- a court has found you guilty of a crime and sentenced you to serve a prison sentence or
- a court has found you guilty of a misdemeanour and sentenced you to serve a contraventional arrest sentence or
- you are held in detention on remand during your trial and are awaiting the final judgment in your case
The Moldovan Criminal Code and the Contraventions Code contain the crimes and misdemeanours for which imprisonment or contraventional arrest respectively may be used as a punishment.
Imprisonment & Human rights
In human rights, imprisonment and other forms of detention are considered to be a deprivation of liberty. Even though deprived of liberty, a person does not lose his or her human rights while in prison. Prisoners have the right to live a normal life as much as possible.
This means that you can establish friendships, keep in contact with your family, work and study, vote in elections, feel safe and keep yourself healthy. The State has an obligation to ensure this. Therefore, it is responsible for the living conditions, medical care, security and other aspects of life in prison.
About this Guide
This Guide will explain the conditions in which prisoners must be held, how the prison staff are to treat prisoners, the medical treatment prisoners should receive, how they can communicate with the outside world, as well as the type of work, religious and other activities prisoners may get involved in while in prison. It will also explain how prisoners can complain about issues related to their imprisonment.
Assess your knowledge
If you wish to use the Guide for learning purposes, the Guide offers you a possibility to assess your knowledge in human rights before or after studying, by completing tests about different themes included in the Guide.
Read more about your rights in prison: