You are entitled and encouraged to complain if you believe that your freedom of assembly or freedom of expression has been unlawfully restricted.

Administrative and court proceedings

If your right to peaceful assembly has been curtailed by an administrative act, you may complain about it with the respective administrative or higher institution or contest it in an administrative court. The procedure for filing a complaint is prescribed by the Administrative Code

If the local public administration has filed a complaint against your assembly with the court, you have the right to participate in the court proceedings and defend yourself, and you can appeal against the court's decision within three days from the day it is made.

If your employer violates your important labour rights because you are on strike, you can complain about these violations to the State Labour Inspectorate or to the court. 


If you believe that you have been unlawfully held or arrested by the law enforcement authorities during an assembly or you right to assembly was violated otherwise, you have the right to file a complaint about the lawfulness of arrest or another violation. These violations may constitute a contravention or even a criminal offence. Read more about the possibilities for complaining about the lawfulness of arrest

If you have been mistreated by the police during your arrest, you have a right to complain about this. Read more about complaints about mistreatment during arrest.

Other public institutions

If your right to peaceful assembly is restricted by law or otherwise, and you believe this is in violation of your human rights, you may also complain to the court, to the Ombudsman or, in case of discrimination, to the Equality Council

Complaints to international human rights bodies

If you believe that the violation of your rights has not been remedied by Moldovan institutions or courts, you can submit a complaint to international or European institution, such as the European Court of Human Rights or the UN Human Rights Committee.


Last updated 22/11/2024